A Principle to cope with “Hybrid Treats”
Suppose you are a brilliant military general, you might feel required to implement the ultimate idea, i.e., “Whole-of-Society” resilience to cope with “Hybrid Treats” nowadays. You may start in your division with facilitating a “Whole-of-Division” resilience and move to “Whole-of-Military” resilience. Multi domain taskforce thought shall prevail over the Indo-Pacific, related to Japan, India, Australia, US, Philippines, and the others. Then, you are supposed to step up the stage by stage to “Whole-of-Government” resilience. It looks relatively practical to make it happen. However, to cope with current Hybrid Treats, a better idea needs to involve such civil private sectors collectively referred to as the Social Infrastructures as electricity, transportation, energy, finance, water supply, and the others, that is “Whole-of-Society” resilience. You will find it requesting a political decision for actualizing it. Before the government or a political leader calls for “Whole-of-Society” resilience, we would hereby like all those in the civil private sectors who concur with the idea achieved to prepare enough for it by forming a group of Social Infrastructures.
Fundamentally, following 5 requisites for stepping up to “whole-of-society resilience” are: 1) Notion of non-visible or non-kinetic treats are greater than traditional or kinetic threats; 2) Optimization of the current disproportionate heavy focus on the military operations; 3) Involvement of private sectors and NGOs alongside national government in countering threats; 4) Authorization for government agencies to protect the private sector in the case of attack; 5) Integration of the legal and policy framework with “whole-of-society resilience” concept to be actualized. In other words, we need to address: 1) To implement a common situational awareness of “Hybrid Threats”; 2) To prepare effective countermeasures and deterrence with active attacks; 3) To create a new regional framework for cooperation and joint actions.
We aBp, Air Business Partners, are willing to assist you all for forming a group of the Social Infrastructures, respectively in your country at first, which shall be supported by ICT or cloud platformers and application providers.




Cyber Space

Social System